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Statement on the processing of insects in organic products

Since 24 January 2023, the house cricket or defatted powder of the house cricket has also been approved as a novel food in Europe - following the yellow mealworm and the migratory grasshopper.

According to the EU regulation, ALL INGREDIENTS - whether organic or not - must be clearly labelled so that consumers can be sure of the ingredients.

If a food contains insects, this must be clearly and understandably stated in the list of ingredients - with the Latin and German or French names ( for Luxembourg). It must also be clear in which form the insect is contained, for example frozen or as a powder. In the case of partially defatted powder from domestic crickets, the correct labelling is: "Partially defatted powder from Acheta domesticus (Hausgrille/grillon domestique)". In addition, when using domestic crickets, a note must be placed in close proximity to the list of ingredients stating that allergic reactions are possible in people allergic to crustaceans, molluscs and dust mites.

Naturata trades in foodstuffs that meet the specifications of the EU Organic Regulation and have been inspected by independent certification bodies. So far, there are no guidelines for the organic processing of insects. At Naturata we therefore do not currently stock any products in which insects are processed. This applies to the house cricket, which has been approved in the EU since 24 January, and to defatted powder from the house cricket, as well as to other insects that are classified as "novel foods". Of course, we have also had this confirmed in writing by our suppliers.